Building Information Modelling (BIM) is one of the most promising technology in the construction industry today. The implementation of BIM has increased significantly over the years; the professionals in construction industry have realized that sharing of knowledge and information is one of the key elements of a successful contractual relationship among professionals in the construction activity in the whole life cycle of a project, lack of collaborative participation among stakeholders have resulted to project delay, material waste, rework and low quality of work. This research aims to create a guiding principle for active participation among professionals in order to improve BIM implementation proficiency. A total of 115 questionnaires were distributed to Architects, Quantity surveyors, Structural engineers, and Builders. Eighty-five (85) questionnaires were returned and analysed, accounting for 73.9 percent of the total. The data obtained was analysed using descriptive analysis (chart, table, relative important index and mean item score). This study identified ‘reduction/avoidance of project failure and team building as a result of active collaboration, in addition the researcher assessed the advantages and challenges associated with collaboration in addition professional successes due to BIM collaboration were investigated. Lastly the professional’s engagement can minimize project delays and improve project delivery time and quality. If efficiency, project completion on time, quality, and cost remain the organization's priorities for successful delivery, it was recommended that deliberate technique be instituted during the construction process to effectively develop and assess the binding relationship and performance among all parties in the construction sector.
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